Sunday, October 10, 2010

I hate coming up with titles...


All day I’ve been looking forward to blogging and thinking about all the exciting, interesting things I could write… but after a full day of church, napping, and working all afternoon/evening, I really don’t have the energy. 

Guess I'll do it anyway. :)  Here’s a rundown of what I did today:

1.  Took a picture of Harry’s new web.  If you don’t remember who Harry is, he’s the spider who lives in the corner of my patio… NOT to be confused with the hideous monster that accosted me in my room my second night here.  I don’t mind Harry because he stays in his little corner… but overnight he spun a beautiful new web, and the morning sun was gleaming off it just right to get a picture.  It's hard to tell proportions by the picture, but the web has at least a two-foot diameter.  Those two strings to the right are part of it as well.  Harry’s a little washed out, but if you look closely you can see him in the center of the web.

2.  Went to church.  Each week they have an older man singing hymns with a ukulele while everyone arrives and gets their seats.  Why did I take a picture of him?  I'm not sure.  He just struck me as so darned cute this morning!

I learned something, today.  (I learn tons of things every day, but this is relevant to a lot of people who read my blog.)  I think the most important thing in welcoming new visitors to a church is follow-up.  Every person I’d met at church last week, young or older, made a point to track me down at one point or another after the service today and ask how my week had gone, how I was adjusting to the island, etc.  I didn’t necessarily expect everyone I’d met to remember me or to be so enthusiastic to see me again… but each of them treated me like they’d known me for years and I had just returned from a long vacation.  That sort of comfortable friendliness seems to be island-wide—nearly everyone I’ve come in contact with has engaged me in extensive conversation that goes beyond small talk (I hate small talk, in case anyone out there doesn’t know me well!  I’ll go out of my way to avoid running into an acquaintance if I see them at a store just so I don’t have to put myself through that awkward “How are you?  How’s work going? Still living at home? Dating anyone?” series.)  

One thing I’m appreciating about this church is the unity.  There seem to be no cliques, no age discriminations, and no service distinctions.  (Note: I’m not saying DFC has those negative qualities—but a lot of churches do!)  There are multiple Bible studies for different ages and genders, and they all study the same material, which follows the pastor’s sermon series.  Currently they’re in Psalms, which doesn’t completely excited me (I’m more of a Job or Ecclesiastes type of girl), but I love the idea of everyone studying the same thing. 

Anyway!  I went to church and reconnected with some people I’d met last week, and met a few new people—all of whom are as pleasant as can be.  I’m going to a young adult Bible study on Wednesday, a baby shower on Friday (no, I don’t know the mother-to-be, but I’ve been assured that every female from the church will be there and that it will just be a big party and that I absolutely have to come get to know everyone!), a bonfire Friday night, and a young adult church service Saturday night.  On top of that, I have a lighthouse tour scheduled for Wednesday morning and a kayaking tour on Thursday!  As long as I can get enough work done Monday and Tuesday, the rest of this week seems like it will be fulfilling. :)

3.  After lunch at the church (I’m loving the effortless huge meal I’ll get to partake of weekly!) I stopped on my way home to photograph a Japanese cemetery I discovered.  It was tragically beautiful in person, but I wasn’t all that artistically inspired to photograph.  Still, some of the headstones were archaic masterpieces, so I’ll share some of the photos just so you can feel like you were there. :) 

And for JC, who keeps pestering me to see a picture of my car, here she is!  I thought about naming her, but I hate coming up with titles (some writer I am)… so I’m open to suggestions. ;)

4.  Napped. :)

5.  Worked, worked, worked!!  Things should slow down a bit toward the end of the week as we wrap up a few specific projects, but until then… I’m getting lots and lots of hours. :)

6.  Blogged! (ing?)

7.  Put on gym shorts and a t-shirt, opened the patio door to get a nice ocean breeze, grabbed some milk and cookies, and settled in to watch an episode of Lost before bed.  Technically this hasn’t happened yet… but it’s about to… so goodnight everyone! :)


JC Williams said...

thank you posting a picture of the car haha... it kind of reminds me of my old camry (the one people thought they would die in whenever they rode with me) haha but yours looks good :p

Anonymous said...

It seems perfect that you're watching Lost while living in Hawaii. Liz R