Friday, April 15, 2011



After a wonderful day of work, Bible study with Janet, Radnight (we had a flour + water war... epic), and hot-tubbing with Sam and Austin... I came home to find this horrendous creature standing between me and the refrigerator:

And I'm really hungry. Luckily, I have a bit of candy stashed in my room... so it will have to hold me over until morning, or until the spider moves far enough away from the refrigerator for me to make a mad dash. I keep returning to see if it's still there. It's like a bad car crash you can't look away from.

Maybe after ONE more episode of How I Met Your Mother it will be gone...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok - so mostly spiders don't freak me out much - but this guy is not to friendly looking - definitely not your Charlotte's web type of spider! Missed you last night at the night of worship. Thought about how much I enjoyed your easter walk last year. Tax season is officially over in 3 minutes, but think adam and gar (aka "the odd couple" still have a boat load of work to do. Eat some amazing pineapple and all the good fruits and veggies for me...still waiting to move to Florida.... aunt j